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A few lines about me, I was born on the south coast of the UK in a resort town called Bournemouth. Where I grew up with my mother and two brothers. In 1997 I went to New Hampshire in the USA to be an Au Pair and where I studied creative writing at the Manchester School of Art.


I have been writing since I was sixteen, my first story took me ten years to finish and I have yet to work on it to make anywhere near ready to push that Publish button. I signed with a publishing house in 2012 and published seven of my books with them. The house closed in 2015 and I have been self-publishing ever since.


I have several series out, I, Immortal The Series is an Angel series and is currently of 3 books. The Season Series is a 4 book romance series, the last is about to be published. Lunar Ryce soul Collector series is also at 3 books and number 4 dropping very soon. This is a YA series, though seems popular with all ages. I write rock star romances and thrillers, mysteries and gangster novels. As you can see I like to write for different genres and always have something in the works.


I enjoy reading when I have the time as I do work as well as write. I am a mother and a wife and sometimes the weeks all blend together, I wake up on Monday and blink to find it's already Friday. The writing world has taught me so much and at the same time, brought me so many new friends, I feel blessed to have in my life, from PA's to cover designers, from fellow authors to bloggers, amazing people and a real treasure trove in such a cut-throat industry.


Thank you for taking the time to read about me, please look me up on Twitter and Facebook and say Hi!

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